
I have had the great pleasure of experiencing ceremony with Robert twice now. In both experiences, Robert was highly prepared and passionate to provide Sacred Space/ Sacred Experience. I could feel his focus, and his heart expanding to allow us to reach out/in as far as possible. His tenderness and care for our well Be-ing was so very Love filled. He was very attentive to our needs, both during and after ceremony. Also support contact to him remains available and accessible as we continue forward, a further welcoming portal. He is truly a beautiful essence and a skilled Shaman, a love filled, dynamic, expansive Be-ing. I received a deep healing, and deep experience….indeed I feel deepened on many levels for my interaction with Robert. My deepening continues, my clarity grows brighter and my sense of Love knows no boundaries. I feel blessed to know Robert and look forward to our next gathering.

Pennsylvania, USA 

When i first decided to work with the Sacred Medicine I really didn’t know what to expect.  I was nervous and excited.  But, I believe It was the best decision I ever made in my quest for healing and truth.  Part of it was working with Shaman Robert SalenViel.   He touched every single person in the ceremony with his Light, his love and the passion he holds for the Medicine.   What was important for me is that I felt safe.  I released a lot of self doubt I had for myself and gained so much love which is what I really needed towards my healing.   Every time I now have a moment of anger I think of all the love I have felt during my experience.
 After the ceremony Robert continued to stay in touch providing support and to talk about the the integration process if needed.  It’s great meeting and healing with such a supporting group.   It has been a little over a month now and I am feeling good but I know that the healing continues for the next couple months or more. I have already booked another mini retreat with Robert!  I will always be grateful for our meeting.  Thank you!



One thought on “Testimonials

  • February 24, 2015 at 8:44 pm

    For those that have experienced the powerful healing effects of unconditional love look no further than La Vida Sagrada and it’s founder SalenViel. I have had the grand honor of observing SalenViel during Sacred Healing Circles and in cases were I felt some “tough love” may have been appropriate he showed me the power of non condition and neutrality. The purity and innocence of his being shines through in every moment and turns to Light any doubt I may have in Divinity. His channel to Divinity is unabated as is his ability to bring forth the healing powers of the ancient indigenous maestros and plant spirits. He is a precision instrument of the Divine Universe gifted to all of humanity for our healing. I have no questions to ask of his intent and his actions dictate his words. His knowledge and understanding of the plant and spirit realms are available to all of us through him. If have been guided to SalenViel then be extremely grateful to your guides as they are most definitely working in accordance with your souls highest potential. For those that know me, they know I can go on and on or say nothing at all and this case I will have to stop myself here and say nothing more than muchas gracias Hermano!


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