We offer a number of services other than the facilitation of healing through the use of ayahuasca.
Preparation and Production of Botanical Medicines
We prepare extracts, tinctures, teas, and moreĀ from a variety of medicinal plants from the Amazon forest in Peru. These preparations are available free of charge during your stay at La Vida Sagrada as prescribed or are available for purchase to take with you wherever you go.
Ayahuasca Consultation Services
Please explore our extensive offerings of consultation services for your ayahuasca experiences. Whether you are participating in ceremony with us or with another center, we can provide you valuable preparation and integration support by email or skype. All email support is free of charge for all guests of La Vida Sagrada.
Private and Distance Healing Services
Not able to make it to Peru for healing? Please consider our distance healing services through various energetic and shamanic techniques. We find them to be effective across the world. These are available to all with a suggested donation to La Vida Sagrada.